The recording and streaming of live events is an integral part of how organisations and brands speak to clients, partners, staff and the public. Be it a conference, product activation, awards ceremony or event live streaming … [read more]
“Corporate videos” have changed a lot over the past number of years and long, boring talking head video presentations are a thing of the past. With video consumption now central to how we engage with digitally savvy … [read more]
Often specific campaigns and projects are years in development amongst a small group of people but when it comes to releasing them to a wider audience video is the natural way to make it happen. Highly crafted short … [read more]
Animated videos are the perfect way to deliver a message that is not best served by using live action filming. They let you present your product or service to the end user that is stunning … [read more]
Home learning has never been more popular and whilst in person learning is still the norm, digital delivery of classes and courses is now a very feasible option for schools, universities … [read more]
By harnessing the power of social media, video has become the first and foremost way for companies to market their brand, products and services to customers. We are living in an age where … [read more]
Often specific campaigns and projects are years in development amongst a small group of people but when it comes to releasing them to a wider audience video is the natural way to … [read more]
Governmental organisations and district councils across the UK make up a large portion of our client base and we have built up a significant back catalogue of work which falls under … [read more]
Often specific campaigns and projects are years in development amongst a small group of people but when it comes to releasing them to a wider audience video is the natural way to make … [read more]